Over 100 Years Combined Legal Experience.


Over 100 years Combined Legal Experience



Can I Get an Annulment in SC?

Can you get an annulment in SC? You can, but your situation must fit into one of the statutory grounds for an annulment under SC law. Annulments are not a quick and easy solution to an ill-advised marriage, and the grounds for an annulment in SC can be difficult to...

No-Fault, No Court Divorce in SC

No-fault divorce has always been an option in SC, but now, thanks to COVID-19, a no-fault, no court divorce is also an option, at least temporarily.In addition to the "fault" grounds for divorce in SC - adultery, habitual drunkenness or drug use, and physical abuse,...

The Best Children’s Books About Divorce

One of the most difficult aspects of divorce for many people is the effect that it may have on the children. Can children's books about divorce help to explain the situation to young ones and help them to process their feelings? How do you talk to children about...

How is 401k Divided in a SC Divorce?

How is 401k divided in a SC divorce? Marital property is subject to equitable division, while nonmarital property is not. What about your retirement plan that you have paid into from your paycheck for the last 5, 10, or 20 years? Is your 401k plan subject to equitable...

How Is Debt Divided in a Divorce in SC?

How is debt divided in a divorce in SC? Marital property is subject to equitable division in a divorce - things like real estate, cars, bank accounts, and most things of value will be divided between the parties either by agreement or by the court. But what about...


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