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Are some dog breeds always dangerous?

On Behalf of | Aug 11, 2022 | Personal Injury

Most of the time, seeing a dog out for a walk can be a highlight. Their kind eyes and wagging tails are hard to resist.

However, when a friendly greeting shifts into an attack, it can make you cautious about greeting dogs in general and that breed in particular. If you look into the history of the breed that bit you, you may find many stories about others who were attacked by the same breed, leaving you to wonder if certain breeds are more dangerous.

Here’s what you should know about dangerous dog breeds and how you can avoid an attack.

Understanding dangerous breeds

Certain dog breeds are better for specific jobs. Some breeds are better at defending their home; others are naturally talented at protecting livestock.

While certain breeds have different tendencies, there is more to a dog than its breeding. An owner can develop a dog’s natural talents or choose to train a dog with more “family dog” traits.

A few types of dogs were bred for activities like fighting and defending. In some cases, this breeding means that it could do significant damage if the dog attacks. However, breeding is not the entire story.

Reading body language

The challenge with labeling some breeds as dangerous and others as not dangerous is that you may find yourself looking at breeds instead of behaviors. When you learn to recognize when a dog is stressed and needs space, you will notice that any breed could feel threatened enough to attack.

When you are meeting a new dog, you should look for signs that the dog is uncomfortable, such as:

  • A tense expression
  • Raised hair on the neck and back
  • Visible whites of the eyes
  • Stiff body or stiff tail wag

You should watch for these signs, even if the owner says it is ok to pet their dog. In some cases, owners will downplay their dog’s stress to make it seem more friendly. Giving a dog space when it feels uncomfortable will show the dog that you respect that they are uncomfortable so they can relax.


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